A great web page is a joy to read. It doesn’t overwhelm with paragraph after paragraph of plain boring text. It is well-formatted, informative, and has a clear reason for existing. It does not waste peoples’ time. If your web page is formatted well, your visitors will stay on your page and read it, and they will stay on your website longer. This is a very good thing! It helps with search engine rankings and increases your conversion rates. Now, let us walk you through the guide on how to create a winning web page by our Web Design Studio experts from Phoenix, AZ!

When you are writing your copy, consider the elements below:

  • Who are you talking to?

    Define your customer and their pain / problem / need. You need to be clear about this in your mind before you create your web page.

  • Keywords

    Incorporate your keywords elegantly. Do your research and write your keywords into your meta-data, headlines, and text. Do not overdue this. Remember, you are talking to humans, one at a time. They do not want to read obnoxious, over-optimized text.

  • Focus of page

    Define the purpose of your page. What is your objective? What do you want your reader to do after they have read your page? Stay focused as you write your text.

  • A Compelling Headline

    Name your page properly. The primary purpose of your headline is to get the attention of your ideal client and encourage them to read more. Try using drama, questions, or statements. Make sure your page title is clear and that the rest of your page “delivers” on its promise. Blog post headlines and topics such as Lists, How-Tos, Whys, Best, and Questions have higher click-through rates.

  • Use Chunks

    Chunk your information. Use sub-headers to organize your content so that it can be scanned. This helps your visitor find the information they are looking for quickly.

  • Good formatting

    Use a variety of formatting. Lists, pull-quotes, headlines, and tabs keep things nice and organized.

  • White space

    Use consistent negative space and decent margins between elements. Don’t smash everything together.

  • Proof, proof, proof

    Proof for grammar errors and typos. Have other people help you with this. Read your copy out loud to find problems.

  • Imagery

    Use a high-quality photo or two. Photos are part of your message and help ease eye strain. Invest in a professional photographer so your photos are unique and on-point. Royalty-free stock photography is also an inexpensive option. Never use images off the internet (Google Images) without permission. Always use your own or photos that you have paid for. Keep records.

  • Video

    Add video. Embed a video from your own YouTube channel. Some people prefer watching video to reading text. Videos keep people on your page longer.

  • Benefits

    Write benefit-rich content. Make sure you are answering “What’s in it for me?” or “How can you make my life better?” At Phoenix Web Design Studio, we know how important it is to add value for readers when you create a web page.

  • KISS

    KISS (keep it simple, stupid) – Keep your sentences and paragraphs short and to the point. Do not use long run-on sentences. Don’t use big words. Break up long paragraphs. Use headings to separate important sections on your page. Reading web pages on a monitor is fatiguing. If your text is cumbersome, it will not be read. This does not mean you need to have short web pages that don’t have very much information on them. On the contrary, your web pages should be very informative, usually the-longer-the-better. They just need to be formatted properly for easy screen reading.

  • Testimonials

    Place a testimonial on every page. Let your customers “rave” for you. I call this the “sprinkle” method. Positioning testimonials here and there on your website can be more effective that having a Testimonials page that lists them all in one place. Consider having both.

  • Links

    It is important to link to other relevant pages on your website within your text.

  • CTAs

    Tell your customers what you want them to do, or do next. This is your Call-To-Action. Make sure every page has one that is clear, noticeable, and unique. Common CTAs are “Book Now”, “Check Availability”, “Request an Estimate”, “Call”, “Add to Cart”, “Buy Now”, etc… Write unique CTAs that are relevant to the page.

  • Sharing

    Make sure there is a way on your page for people to SHARE your content.

Some Extras

Text Size and Colors: The Basics

Make sure your text is readable. Choose a font size, color and style that is clear and easy to read. It should contrast well with the background color of the page.


These days, you can choose from hundreds of fonts for your website. A good designer will be able to easily manipulate the size and weight of your fonts, as well as line height and letter spacing. (I love this!) This is a really nice feature of modern WordPress websites.

Your paragraph font (also called body text) should be ONE color, with your links a different color. That way, your reader can easily see the text that is clickable. Using color or underlines to emphasize text that is not a link is confusing (not good!) and not best practice. If you need to emphasize text, use bold, italics, or ALL CAPS sparingly.


Of course, not all these tips work for every kind of web page. The presentation on a long sales page is different than a bio or product page. Use formatting techniques that make sense to you and help your reader.

Need an AMAZING website?

Call us today at (928) 300-9147 to schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation. Get in touch with our team in Phoenix, AZ and discuss the strategies to create a web page, choose images, or find the best hosting, and more. We look forward to discussing your internet needs with you and designing a superior WordPress website that is perfect for your online presence!